BUDDY Remote

Buddy Remote

Farm Smarter
– Cloud based monitoring and control system

Buddy Remote is a monitoring and control system that is cloud based and covers most Buddy Controllers as well as other farm items.


  • Remote starting of Effluent system
  • Real time monitoring
  • View status of system operation
  • Multiple logons at one time
  • Text alerts for faults
  • Low running costs
  • Suits multiple Buddy Controller
  • Can interface with other existing systems
  • Monthly reports automatically emailed out
  • Enter paddock number on start up of pump to record where it was applied
  • Monitor + record NPK results of effluent applied
With a level sensor in the pond and/or a flowmeter the NPK results can be displayed by entering in the details of your effluent test results or even just entering some industry guidelines. This gives you the amount of nutrients stored in your pond or the amount applied to each paddock.


  • Connect flowmeter for application
  • Add pond level sensor to get pond volumes displayed and recorded
  • Add soil moisture probe for deciding on application rates
  • Add rain gauge for monitoring rainfall


The Buddy Remote technical data includes the great features of its control panel.

for further inquiries call

Contact us if you would like to enquire about Buddy Remote. You may also email us at sales@buddyfarmsolutions.co.nz