Buddy Data

Farm Smarter
– The complete monitoring and diagnostic system for a dairy farm.

Buddy Data will revolutionaise the dairy industry. The Buddy Data system links all your Buddy Controllers to one centralized touch screen display panel to enable you to control all aspects of your dairy farm.

Buddy Data

Buddy Data is a complete monitoring and alarm system for all aspects of your Dairy Farm. It can also control some items remotely. View and control from anywhere from a Smartphone, Tablet or PC, with different levels of access for staff members. Buddy Data is a stand-alone data system based in the dairy shed. The system processes and stores your data onsite and does not require any external services (other than text and internet), meaning there are no monthly charges other than for internet and texting.


  • Effluent System – Pump, Sump, Pond and Irrigation, GPS proof of placement
  • Vats – Monitors Temperatures, Fully compliant to new MPI regulations
  • Milk Cooler System – Milk and Water Temperatures, Monitoring and Alerts – Uses Vat Interface
  • Weather Station – Wind, Rainfall, Temperature, Multiple Soil Moistures, Soil Temperatures
  • Bore Pump – Monitoring operation faults, Flows, Level, Flow recording
  • Milk Plant – Vacuum Level, Wash Temperatures, monitor start stop times
  • Water Tanks – Level, temperature, Low level alerts
  • Irrigation Pumps – Control multiple pumps, monitor operation, levels, flow recording and faults
  • Pivots – Control multiple pivots, monitor operation

Control System Features

  • Access via internet from any phone, tablet or computer, with multiple users logged in at one time
  • Different levels of access to system for different users/staff
  • Easily connected to shed internet (requires static IP address provided by Internet Service Provider)
  • User can choose which modules they need and add additional modules later
  • Can be configured to send email and text alerts as well as monthly reports
  • System provides data needed to help farms meet the new MPI milk requirements
  • System is customised to suit your farm when it is installed
  • Multiple logons at one time
  • Text alerts for faults
  • Low running costs
  • Suits multiple Buddy Farm Solutions controllers
  • Can interface with other existing systems
  • Monthly reports automatically emailed out


The Buddy Data technical data includes the great features of our systems.

for further inquiries call

Contact us if you would like to enquire about our Buddy Data. You may also email us at sales@buddyfarmsolutions.co.nz